
Climatology Lab:

Climate analysis helps assess seasons and comfortable or uncomfortable conditions in a region, aiding designers in building houses that filter out adverse effects while allowing beneficial ones, and determining suitable building form and opening arrangement. The lab aims to enhance students' planning skills for analyzing environmental changes, improving their architectural design projects, and considering site climatic conditions. The lab is equipped with various instruments as follows:


The CAD Lab consists of PCs, laser jet printers, a study table and work spaces for laptop users. A large variety of software is available in each machine as well as permanent connections to the campus network and the internet.

Material Museum

The museum has variety of building materials displayed separately according the semesters lessons and also new materials that is been introduced in the market.

The model making workshop is done in the material museum and art court depending upon the type of studio or model.

Model Making Lab

Transforming principle ideas to physical model is best of teaching. Model making lab is the place where the failed ideas are corrected the functional ones. In this laboratory, students investigate a variety of ideas by working them out physically in 3D. Creating forms, rather than devouring literature, makes it much easier to understand the subject and also generates a lot of ideas when worked out visually. Here, one can get creative with a wide range of materials, some of which are unique, as well as recycled waste products. This lab is a platform for transforming trash into pleasing sculptures.

Survey lab

The laboratory of Surveying is well equipped with all the required instruments and tools that are helpful in the overall understanding and practical knowledge of a student. Students learn techniques for gathering field data with both traditional and modern instruments.

Surveying Lab offers additional experience in fundamental land surveying measurement methods for surveying courses, including precision steel taping methods to perform horizontal measurements, digital theodolites to perform angular measurements and traditional and automatic levels for elevation measurements.

Furthermore, students have opportunity to use total station equipment, which enables horizontal, vertical and angular measurements to be made in one operation. Implementation in using of tools about the application in preparing contour maps, spot levels, Open & closed traverse, plotting of lands buildings by plane tabling, longitudinal cross sectioning, longitude & latitude of place, fixing true North at a given site and finding heights and distances of accessible and inaccessible objects

Construction Yard

Construction yards are outdoor spaces offered for students to conduct practical studies in the construction profession. Here, students from all batches form a vertical studio and collaborate. The construction yard's aim is to teach students about building materials and diverse handling procedures. Students also learn how to build different bonding with bricks, such as English, the Flemish, and rat trap, as well as the composition of mortar mixing and activities such as aligning, curing, plastering, and so on. Enhancing the habit of education through action is the intention of the construction yard.


The library has been established with state of art infrastructure to the standards at Third floor .It has specialized collections of books, journals & other resources in Architecture and civil engineering ranging from printed books, e-books, back volumes, Cds/Dvds. The library subscribes to national and international journals in print e-journals. The library is using WINLMS software for library management and information system purpose and it has web - OPAC (Online public access catalogue Facility) to consult the library information .

Carpentry Workshop

The carpentry or wooden workshop is a place where students are given practical knowledge about the types of wood and usage and told to jobs on it. Faculty with all skill level have access the carpentry workshop to provide good knowledge to students. Workshops provide ample production space access to power tools and extensive array of hand tools. Individual instruction in tool use and safety is required and is provided by staff and technicians.

Art Studio

Nehru School of Architecture gives opportunity for the students to improve the creativity and artistic skill of the students by assisting the students in doing art works like sketching, glass painting, clay products, mask making , painting etc.

We provide with separate studio with necessary facilities in guiding the students along with our Artist.

Lecture Halls

NSA has good lecture hall for all the year students separately with the projector, white board and green board facilities so that our lecturers and professors can use all medium to teach the students.

The lecture hall also has the sufficient table and chairs for the students.
